Fruit Residues

Residues of pesticides are permitted on harvested crops only when a tolerance or exemption exists, and residue levels must not exceed tolerances established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Tolerances are listed by crop and chemical at Global MRL (

Growers are also advised to check with their buyers, processors, or packers before applying chemicals. In some cases, buyers and processors will not accept fruit treated with certain materials, even though these materials are approved for use by federal and state agencies.

To avoid illegal residues, it is imperative that directions be followed carefully with respect to rates of application, number of applications, and intervals between application and harvest. Avoid drift, especially where other crops are adjacent to or interplanted with the crop being treated. Pesticide residues that are permitted on one crop may be illegal when present on another.

Do not feed cull fruit or the by-products of fruit processing, such as apple and pear pomace, to livestock unless specifically permitted by the label. The use of many of the pesticides recommended in this bulletin are prohibited from use as a feed for livestock.
